le'Boqks en'le Foteque

le'Boqks en'le Foteque
Blogging isn't always easy!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Organic baby clothes?

I thought only food could be organic. Apparently, clothes can be too... in fact, most all clothes are organic (cotton and wool are produced naturally by nature, thus making them organic)

However, "organic cotton" refers to cotton that hasn't been treated with pesticides or other chemicals.

So your baby can have clothes that are pesticide free and green as can be :-)

Perhaps one day they'll make organic golf shirts?

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Last winter I received a sample of organic baby clothes for my son -- a set of organic cloth onesies, much like these organic onesies, and I love them! Organic is definitely the way to go. :)